Azure offers an end-to-end backup and disaster recovery solution that’s simple, secure, scalable, and cost-effective—and can be integrated with...
Microsoft Ignite is an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft. It has taken place in several locations...
An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. One very useful...
One of the hardest parts of a Cloud Architect’s job is not to deploy highly scalable infrastructures or troubleshooting...
Introduction In this series of posts we are going to deep dive into a real world scenario of a...
As promised in one of my previous articles now we are going to discuss about how to choose a...
Long gone are the days where there was a clear line of separation between operations or sysadmin roles and...
Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the process of managing and provisioning cloud resources through machine-readable definition files rather than using...
No matter how much you want to automate your Azure Infrastructure deployment using terraform, you are going to find...